
Beiträge zum Thema englishconversation


Bücherei Stadtprozelten
Frauentreff - English Conversation 2.0

Who: All ladies, women, females, sisters, maids and girls... of any age from Stadtprozelten and the surrounding villages What: Coming together and practising English in a cosy atmosphere - no school atmosphere, just chatting, laughing, having fun When: 03.02.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr Where: Stadtprozelten Library After our very successful meeting in January, we decided to implement the English conversation meetings on a regular basis once per month. Stay tuned for the new dates! Your library-team...

Anstehende Veranstaltungen zum Thema

  • 10. März 2025 um 18:00
  • Bücherei Stadtprozelten
  • Stadtprozelten

English Conversation - here we go again!

Who: All ladies, women, females, sisters, maids and girls... of any age from Stadtprozelten and the surrounding villages What: Coming together and practising English in a cosy atmosphere - no school atmosphere, just chatting, laughing, having fun When: 10.03.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr     07.04.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr     05.05.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr     02.06.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr     07.07.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr Where: Stadtprozelten Library Your library-team Stadtprozelten

  • 7. April 2025 um 18:00
  • Bücherei Stadtprozelten
  • Stadtprozelten

English Conversation - here we go again!

Who: All ladies, women, females, sisters, maids and girls... of any age from Stadtprozelten and the surrounding villages What: Coming together and practising English in a cosy atmosphere - no school atmosphere, just chatting, laughing, having fun When: 10.03.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr     07.04.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr     05.05.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr     02.06.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr     07.07.2025, 18 - 20 Uhr Where: Stadtprozelten Library Your library-team Stadtprozelten